Deadlines can be a wonderful thing. After much discussion about "the future", we decided to give ourselves a date that would firmly result in a decision about our departure.
The firm date was April 30th, and I am shocked to report that we have officially decided to depart this coming September. What started as a rather abstract dream will soon be realized.
To make things really official, I booked our appointments at the Capital Health Travel Clinic. Nothing like a few vaccinations to seal the deal. Thus far, it looks like we will be getting shots for Malaria, Yellow Fever, cholera, Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus and so on. In some ways, I am more terrified of the needles than the actual exposure to the various diseases.
With vaccinations and departure dates comes itineraries. I am proud to say it hasn't really changed since the beginning, except to add wonderful new countries along the way. Here it is, in order:
New Zealand
Costa Rica
One thing we really want to emphasize is that we would love for friends/family to join us on parts of this tour. So, if there is a country you've been yearning to see, why not meet us there?
My latest fret is about footwear. Which pair of shoes should I bring? I refuse to wear runners, and I further refuse to wear "walking shoes." At the moment, I am convinced that my Frye boots that are old and worn would be the perfect choice, even in the hottest weather. They would be particularly suited for hiking where snakes and other ankle biting creatures lurk. But then I think that only one pair of flip-flops ought to do until I remember that we will be in London in the fall, and that is generally not a flip-flop climate. Oy vey; Decisions, decisions.
I recently finished a book called "360 Degrees Latitude," about a family that traveled around the world for a year. In preparation, they brought out one box each and placed it in the living room to fill leading up to their departure. This method seemed to work well because once it was full, that was it, you couldn't bring anything else. It gave everyone in the family the opportunity to put things in, consider the choice, and keep it, or replace it with something else. I think I will do the same thing for only me because I am going to be the one choosing unnecessary items in our clan.
For instance, we were walking through a book store the other day and I decided we will all need LED book lights, just in case we want to read in the middle of the night in the Seregeti. Jeff grabbed them out of my hands and exclaimed, "This is exactly the kind of crap we are NOT taking on our trip!" I was really shocked because I thought my choice was completely practical and contained quite a bit of foresight, but every person I ask tells me that Jeff is right.
So, I have trudged to the basement and retrieved a box. The first item I plan to put in is tampons because another major fret is that I will be unable to acquire my particular brand in, say, Cairo. But I have a feeling they, too, will not make the cut.
Thomas Trofimuk - Waiting for Columbus - Columbus Book - Writer, Gardener, Failed Buddhist - Journal
ahahaha...Jeff is right ;)
But the tampons should totally make the cut! :o
out of curiosity, how big is your box? (sorry) Do you have to be able to fit everything in backpacks, or are you hauling luggage around?
I've not left this continent, so the thought of travelling so much for so long kind of overwhelms me. But it sounds like you are a master planner! *cheers you on*
The box is not very big! We intend to be able to carry everything with us onto trains and buses etc. so our things are always handy. This is so challenging, and forces me to confront my definitions of "comfort" and "security."
This process alone is interesting enough, let alone the travel portion.
Thanks for reading...xo
I just stumbled across your blog and LOVE IT.
The idea of travelling the world for 10 months with your family is truely inspiring!
Good luck on your adventure and keep writing!
1. Best. Idea. Ever. I'm so stealing it when we win the lottery.
2. You'll be in Spain - they have awesome shoes and you'll want to buy way too many. Also, all hot countries have flip-flops and they never last long anyway. You'll probably go through a few pairs.
3. Don't tell Jeff I said so, but he just might be right about those lights. Plus, you'll be too tired to read or too busy talking to all the cool ppl you'll meet.
Hey mommy love the blog! Can I start one?
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