March 1, 2010

You, Me & Dog Poop = Community?

I live in a small community. My family & I moved here because it is near the center of the city, and allows access to the river valley. We walk everywhere: to the Sobey's on 104 St., to the Citadel for drama classes, to the AGA for art classes, to the Don Wheaton YMCA for swimming lessons. We bike to the Folk Festival every year, the Muttart Conservatory and Dragon Boat Races.

The neighbourhood attracted us not only for its splendid location, but because of its reputation as being friendly, open and eccentric. Yet the only description that has truly applied to date is the eccentric one. The "open & friendly" part is still a work in progress.

For instance, our community newsletter recently published an anonymous letter from someone complaining in detail how angry she is about the dog poop that is constantly left on her front lawn. She concluded the diatribe by threatening those out walking their dog to be careful as she might throw said dog poop at the back of someone's head.

I guess I am naive, or subscribe to some kind of polly-anna attitude, but this completely shocked me for a couple of reasons. The first reason being that I couldn't believe the editor allowed this letter in the newsletter. The second reason is because I am not sure I will ever be able to support or understand this kind of animosity-laced open-letter in any community.

No matter what your issue, this kind of unfiltered rant will never inspire anyone to sympathize, let alone change their behaviour . Worse, a letter like this breaks down any potential for building a strong community.

To help combat my outrage, I have been collecting these little ditties, and intend to write "Riverdale: The Musical" from them. "Poop on My Lawn" is in the key of A minor, and I would prefer a contralto.

Auditions will be held in spring, just in time for the great thaw (to get y'all in the mood).

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